English Language Tuition

English Language Tuition 

One-to-One English Language Lessons Online  

SATs Tests and the 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance Exam

Pupils may require support in the key areas of reading, writing and spelling, grammar and punctuation. These provide children with a core of knowledge and skills that will provide them with a solid base on which to build at secondary school. Some private tutoring in English at primary level in Key Stage 2, or secondary level in Key Stage 3, not only helps children build confidence, enjoy learning English and make progress, it also ensures a seamless transition to English at GCSE level in Key Stage 4, so can be a worthwhile investment. 

SATs tests and the Common Entrance exam at 11+ and 13+ require a specific set of skills that children may need coaching in to help them pass. Lessons focus on reading comprehension, writing composition, verbal reasoning and mastery of spelling, grammar and punctuation. Developing these core skills and exam techniques will help your child prepare for these tests and exams with confidence and enjoyment. All my students have achieved high grades in SATs tests and CE exams, which have allowed them to progress to the next stage of their education with confidence.

Lessons take place online, and make use of the latest educational software to create both an interesting and effective learning experience. Homework is an important part of the learning process, giving children the opportunity to revise and consolidate new areas worked on in the live session. 

Students require a high level of skill and an in depth knowledge of the assessment objectives in order to succeed in the GCSE English exams. Online lessons link to the specific curriculum and set texts being followed by your child's school, including AQA, Pearson and Cambridge. Developing revision skills and exam techniques will help your child prepare for these important exams with confidence and avoid unnecessary stress. I have a proven track record of helping learners achieve or exceed their target grades in GCSE and IGCSE English Language and English Literature exams. 

Students taking the GCSE English Language exams sit 2 papers. Paper 1 examines their ability to respond to fiction texts and write an imaginative description or story. Paper 2 examines students’ ability to respond to nonfiction texts and write effective informative or persuasive texts such as an opinion article, letter or speech. Each of the 2 papers is divided into 2 sections. 

The reading sections of English Language papers 1 and 2, require students to demonstrate the following skills:
• AO1 Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas; select and synthesise evidence from different texts. 
• AO2 Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views.
• AO3 Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed, across two or more texts. 
• AO4 Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references.

The writing sections of English Language papers 1 and 2, require students to demonstrate the following skills:
• AO5 Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences; Organise information and ideas, using structural and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts.
• AO6 Candidates must use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation.

The spoken language endorsement, which many schools ask students to complete in Year 10, requires students to show evidence of achieving the following assessment objectives:
• AO7 Demonstrate presentation skills in a formal setting.
• AO8 Listen and respond appropriately to spoken language, including to questions and feedback to presentations.
• AO9 Use spoken Standard English effectively in speeches and presentations. 

The different exam boards vary in the format of the questions and weightings of the assessment objectives. While both AQA and Edexcel English Language exams test students’ knowledge through the 2 terminal papers, the Pearson and Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses also offer the option of one of the papers being replaced with coursework, which many students find helpful.

A Level English Language

The step up from GCSE to A level English can be a challenge for students. Lessons focus on the analysis of writers' methods and how these shape meanings in a range of texts; the study of critical theories; and the production of well-structured essays and other forms of writing, depending on the exam syllabus your child’s school or college is following. I have helped students achieve higher grades in AQA A level Language and A level Literature.

Lessons take place online, and make use of the latest educational software to create both interesting and effective lessons. Homework is an important part of the learning process. It gives learners the opportunity to revise and consolidate new areas worked on in the live session.
English as a Foreign Language

Both academic students and working professionals can benefit from one-to-one support to improve their spoken and written English. Lessons are tailored to focus on each learner's specific requirements and can cover the syllabus of the internationally recognised IELTS tests, which is needed to access UK universities. 

Learners connect with their me via video conferencing, which enables effective communication. I use learning platforms to enable the planning and delivery of interesting lessons, and provide a forum on which tasks can be assigned and reviewed. Individualised feedback and error correction is a vital part of the language learning process, and my unique methodology helps native speakers of many languages to develop fluency and accuracy in English. The live session is an opportunity to review homework assignments and acquire new skills and concepts so that a regular cycle of learning, consolidation and assessment helps learners progress.
 University and Job Applications

For students applying to university or for work, I offer assistance in writing personal statements, covering letters and CVs.

Please contact me for details of fees and services.



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